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Developing Sustainable Lifestyles - Enhancing Wellbeing

I just wanted to make sure that anyone visiting my blog knows about this wonderful ongoing workshop by a terrific teacher that helps people develop sustainable living skills and forge deeper connections within their community ~ aspects of life that are known to increase one's sense of wellbeing.

Here's a write-up about the workshops:

An invitation from Jesse Tack, of

Whole Culture Repair,LLC


Ongoing workshop Group: "

Abundant Michigan, Permaculture Ypsilanti."

This is an ongoing Permaculture group based in Ypsilanti, ~ all are welcome. Our goal is to co-create abundance for our members in food, medicine, materials, economy and living water. We support Abundance in all Michigan Communities.


Discussions will include; permaculture design, sustainable living in Ypsilanti, food forests, mushrooms, developing new local economics and livelihood, time banking, resource shares, sustainable timber, perennial vegetables, natural building, rotational grazing, aquaculture, ...via a monthly presentation followed by discussion. Follow up experiential learning opportunities will be offered in the weeks after the presentation to get hands on experience with some of the principles taught.

Actions will include: establishing a perennial nursery, intensive use of land, sheet mulching, water catchment, grey water systems, time banking in action, timber production, mushroom production, economic creation, ...

All are welcome in these activities to collaborate, learn from experiences offered and contribute.

Come join the fun!


Jesse D. Tack MT-BC Founder, Whole Culture Repair LLC Co-founder, Aurora Design Solutions Inc.

[An important note from ~ please read: We are an open discussion and action group. Everyone is welcome. Please note:

A suggested Donation of $10 equivalence is now asked for the workshop - an equivalent offer is preferred, tho money is accepted.

This group practices and offers experience in the "New Economy", developing true reciprocity and learning trade and Time Banking - so for example - if you have a bee hive and think a jar is worth $10, you could offer that for Jesse's services, or an offer of 1.5 hours of garden work on a group work project on a project of his, along with $5 in the jar. Or, let's say you keep rabbits, you could offer several bags of rabbit 'pellets' (manure) for the class worth $10, or one bag and $5 in the jar. Jesse has gone way beyond the call of duty in offering these classes for us, and to continue its really important that we keep it fair and that he receives some consideration in turn as he generally charges good solid $ fees for consulting and permaculture planning. Be thinking creatively about how you want to "pay" for the class, Jesse has been 'paying it forward' for a long time one will be turned away for not being able to pay, but with Time Banking & trade, EVERYONE is capable of forming an equivalent offer for reciprocity.]

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