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It's a New Year; Moving into a New Economy & work that is Real -


We're really blessed. Yes things seem to be getting tougher in many ways. But here in Michigan we have the best of all worlds. While other parts of the world and our country even, have been beset with horrible events with calamitous weather, Michigan remains overall mild in climate and with few

problems such as the horrible fires in the west, impacts from major drought or flooding, hurricanes & mega storms. Michigan also has ample sources of fresh water being surrounded by our beautiful Great Lakes.

Its a time for gratitude, along with concern for others. Certainly our economy has been rough, however, while we may lack frills, we have all the essentials for transitioning. I suspect that when everyone figures this out, they will be trying to move here...

Meanwhile we're learning. While we aren't as severely impacted, we're certainly learning about what we can do toward mitigating climate change. Michigan has also been blessed with many innovative and creative people moving the slow food movement out in front, a growing consensus that buying local is of huge importance for all, and a long time cultivated & growing expertise in Permaculture and urban farming that offers prospect for new livelihoods and long term food security. We've always been a great farming state, but now we have increasing numbers of innovative new local and organic farmers, and year round growers are sprouting up, along with more CSA's and other forms of work meant to lower carbon miles, with new techniques that are supportive of the ecology, regenerative rather than degrading of land.

More people are certainly venturing out on their own, rather than waiting, to 'boldly go' where others have not before, and launching new and exciting enterprises that are the seeds of a new, more resilient and durable economy; ~ one intended to weather the changes on our horizon.

I am excited about this and love working with those who would trail-blaze new, promising directions out of their own inner promptings. Sometimes this takes courage and a good and solid sounding board, that helps us stay connected with inner sources of guidance and wisdom. I love listening to clients and supporting them as they sort through those inner yearnings to find their path ahead. In psychotherapy & counseling ~ this is a therapist's work at its finest ~ helping a client find their way in breaking new ground ~ deepening in trusting their evolving self.

I love that I'm now able to not only work with clients locally in my office setting, but also anywhere in the world. Working with online therapy via skype and video calls (which are very easy to set up - I can advise and guide you on this), comfortable in your own setting, we're freed of burning carbon miles to connect, and we can connect no matter where you are ~ any where in the world.

Its a New Year - yes! And this is our new adventure - breaking free of old limitations and pioneering ourselves into a new landscape of green, life respecting enterprises as we move toward a steady state economy more rich and interpersonally connected in community; embedded in year round garden life, re-foresting, nature derived renewably grown and harvested resources and finding common happiness in lowering our footprints!

Here's an inspiring piece of a Marge Piercy poem that captures, I think, what most people I see have yearned for, and seek in their own way. It's a passage from "To be of use". Below it is a short video where I've read this to you ~ so that, if interested, you can see just how I would come across while working via skype session:

"...the thing worth doing well done

has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident.

Greek amphoras for wine or oil,

Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums

but you know they were made to be used.

The pitcher cries for water to carry

and a person for work that is real."


*photograph above by


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