As a Counselor in Ann Arbor, I've found these Resources helpful
for clients:
Washtenaw 12 Step & Support Group Directory
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists
Articles by Ruth Cohn, MFT regarding relationships and sexuality
David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages
The following links lead to audio files of guided meditations you can listen to online or download on your computer.
The Center For Contemplative Mind In Society *
Health Journeys has a free 15 minute guided imagery that can be downloaded, as well as a large catalog of guided imagery recordings for purchase.
Mindfulness Practice Center at the University of Missouri
There's some great information on this site about various forms of contemplative practice.
Resources for couples:
Here are a couple of videos that are illustrative of some of the things couples work on in couples therapy & couples counseling that can make a difference:
Transform Your Relationship - Part 6: Re-Romantize Your Partnership; counseling Ann Arbor
Remember those early days of your courtship when you would profess your love freely and do wonderful, thoughtful things for each other that nurtured the relationship? But there's a better way...Counseling Ann Arbor, MI
Transform Your Relationship - Part 7: The Couple's Dialogue
Couples work, relationship issues and Couples therapy - taking a look at some communication issues, and the stress involved, Ann Arbor, MI
These sites can prove useful sources of information for many different topics.
* Institute for Human Adjusmtent
* University of Michigan Psychological Clinic
* University Center for the Development of Language and Literacy
* University of Michigan Autism and Communications Disorder
* American Psychological Association
* Association of Psychology - PostDoctoral and Internship Centers
* National Association of Social Workers
* Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers